Food Pantry
We Care Food Pantry assists Morton residents with a food pantry for their community in need. Information and referrals are also provided to direct recipients toward other agencies which may be of additional help. The Food Pantry provides over 45,000 meals and about 900 referrals annually.
This service began in 1983 when funds became available to establish a food distribution program to help those in need in our community. We are fortunate to receive donations for our pantry from local food drives, churches, and citizens in the community wishing to help.
Pantry Details
We are located at 622 W. Jackson St. Morton, IL.
Open Tuesdays ONLY by appointment only. Morton residents only.
Registration over the phone is required. Call 309-291-3421 to register or make an appointment.
This is the main number for the food pantry.
Our hours on Tuesdays are 11:00 AM-2:00 PM. Must make an appointment.
Registration required
The pantry’s available items include non-perishable food and personal hygiene items. We also have meat (ground beef), but no fresh produce.
Patrons do not reserve items. However, they may call the pantry to reserve an appointment time up to a week in advance.