Meals on Wheels
Volunteer-delivered meals are available for Senior Citizens, those with disabilities and Morton residents recovering from an illness or hospital stay. An optional sack supper may be delivered with the hot noon meal Monday-Friday. Special diets are available. We Care, with our volunteers, delivered nearly 12,000 meals to area residents during the year. Meals are prepared by Apostolic Christian Restmor, Inc.
This was the first program offered to the community. It began in 1975 with a group of concerned children wanting to ensure their parents had proper nutrition and a hot meal each day. Meals are made available for people 60 and older, persons with disabilities, or those who cannot provide adequate nutrition for themselves. The meals are delivered in the Morton area five days a week by volunteers.
Call (309)347-7148 for more information.
“Currently serving 33 families per month with Meals on Wheels”
Morton Residents:
- $3.90 for a hot noon meal
- $2.05 for a sack meal for the evening